Parents' News
Internet Safety events for parents
Parenting Resources from Children 1st
S4 and 5 Choice of Course booklet
The S4 and 5 Choice of Course Booklet for the 2014-2015 session is available here
Resource package for parents of S3 and S4
The Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES) has been working with the National Parent Forum of Scotland, Scottish Government, Education Scotland and SQA to develop a package of resources for parents and carers of all S3 and S4 pupils. The packs contain the following:
- Joint letter from NPFS & ADES;
- Assessment in a Nutshell;
- Pointers for parents and pupils on revision;
- SQA leaflet for parents on the new qualifications.
These documents are also available in the Parents Documents section of this website.
S4 prelims 2014
There will be no study leave for S4 prelim exams. Pupils should attend classes as normal except when they have an exam. A document with more details about the prelims can be found here in the Parents' Documents section.
Great Learning in Scotland
Form the Parentzone website:
This leaflet has been produced to help parents better understand how their children will benefit from changes under Curriculum for Excellence as the new qualifications are introduced.
This information has been closely developed with the National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) and will be sent to all parents of school children across Scotland. It covers information on Curriculum for Excellence, the key benefits for young people and examples of the different routes pupils can take throughout their education from age 3-18.
A copy of this leaflet can be found here in the Parents' Documents section.
Study Support Guide
Information about study support opportunities for pupils can be found here This contains details of the subject specific sessions run by departments and of the whole school support available.
New Internet Safety initiative
ChildLine and the Internet Watch Foundation have joined together to provide help and advice for young people about how they can get sexually explicit images of themselves removed from online. "Sexting", sending explicit images to friends, is increasingly common and young people often do not appreciate the risks of this behaviour and how these images may end up in places they never intended and may become public. This new initiative aims to show young people what they can do about it.
ChildLine have also developed an app for young people called Zipit. "The app offers witty images to send instead of explicit ones, advice for how to engage in safe chat, what to do if you feel threatened or if an image becomes public and a direct link to call ChildLine." The app will be available later this month.
This Press Release gives more detailed information. There is useful information for parents and carers on sexting on the NSPCC website
Homework Guide for Parents
Menzieshill High School has just published a new guide for parents outlining the school's homework policy and the supported study opportunities available to pupils.
National Qualifications Update from SQA
The latest update for parents and carers about the new National Qualifications can be found here. It includes information about the new support materials available through BBC Bitesize and guidance on support for National Literacy Units which they suggest may be helpful for parents.
Anti-bullying at Menzieshill High School
Anti-Bullying Procedures
New Anti-Bullying procedures have been introduced in school following communication and consultation with pupils, parents and staff over an 18 month period.
More information can be found in the Parents section of the website.
S3 Choice of Course 2013
Third Year Course choices
This is now the time of year when Third Year pupils make their choices for Fourth Year. The process began in December 2012 when we asked Third Year pupils to give us an indication of the Choices they were likely to make. This enabled us to look at class demand and the staff we have available to teach Fourth Year courses. From that time we have been working with your son / daughter to help them to make informed choices for their Fourth Year.
To assist them they have had input from their class teachers on the courses on offer next year. House Heads are supporting your son / daughter in the decision making process.
The following timeline completes the picture of the process and deadlines for completion of Choices:
11 Dec 2012 S3 Trial Choices
14 Jan 2013 S3 Parent information evening
28 Jan 2013 Guidance lessons on choice and career paths
31 Jan 2013 S3 Reports to parents with Course recommendations
5 – 14 February S3 Course Choice interviews
18 Feb 2013 S3 Parent consultation
19 Feb 2013 Deadline for return of Choice of Course forms
March 2013 Confirmation of course letters to parents
11 June 2013 New timetable begins
Further information:
- The Choice of Course form
- Course information can be found in the ‘Department’ section of the website.
- Information about S3 College options. Dundee College has a ‘Parent Zone’ explaining college courses for Fourth Year.
If you should require any further information, do not hesitate to contact the school.