Parents' News
Bingo Evening - Wednesday 17 February 2016
Life Online: an Internet Safety Event for parents
A fun and informative event with guests on hand to answer your questions and queries from Police Scotland, Community Safety Team, Barnardos, O2 and the Education Department and will look at some of the issues young people face online and how you can help as a parent or carer.
Parent Council AGM
The Annual General Meeting of the Menzieshill High School Parent Council will be held on Wednesday 13th May at 6.30 pm in the Meeting Room.
All parents are warmly invited to come along and new members of the Council will be most welcome.
National 5 Revision Guides,3ALRP,3LCU3U,BSHHN,1
"These Revision in a Nutshell National 5 subject guides supplement learning and revision in class. They are organised alphabetically, by subject, covering 20 osubjects which have exams and for which the SQA has provided relevant past paper questions. Please check with your teacher to ensure that the guides are relevant to you. The SQA Specimen Paper and the marking instructions are the most important documents to look at – the BBC Bitesize guides are also really helpful and provide different revision materials. See our Pointers for Parents and Pupils for more information. Feedback on these is very welcome. Good luck!
Our general guide to revision for parents and pupils, which contains links to key SQA and Education Scotland information, is Pointers for Parents and Pupils: pointersforparents
View the SQA National 5 Specimen Papers for every subject with an exam here
BBC Bitesize revision resources are available in most National 5 subjects here"
Higher Revision Guides,3ALRP,3LCU3U,BSHHN,1
"These resources provide a clear, straightforward explanation of what learners need to know in order to prepare for the new Higher exams. For each subject, there are links taking you directly to specimen papers, exemplar question papers and sites where you can access other useful information. Please note that these resources are for the new Curriculum for Excellence Highers only."
Prelim Exam Timetable 2015
A copy of the S4, 5 and 6 prelim exam timetable is available here in the Parents' Documents.
Consultation on School Closure
A letter outlining the consultative process on the proposed Closure of Menzieshill High School and Changes to the catchment area for Harris Academy is available here in the Parents Documents section of the website.
Office 365 Advantage
Microsoft Student Advantage
Microsoft have launched Student Advantage to provide eligible pupils with a free subscription of Microsoft Office 365 ProPlus. This allows pupils to install Microsoft Office ProPlus on up to 5 computers simultaneously.
This facility is available to all pupils in Dundee schools exclusively through their Dundee Microsoft Office365 account. Use of this account is covered by the Acceptable Use Policy.
Further details including information about how to download the software is availbale here in the Parents Documents section of the website.
Parent Council Meeting.
The next meeting of the MHS Parent Council will be held on
Wednesday 27th August
6.30 p.m.
in the meeting room.