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S3 Choice of Course 2013

Choice of course information for S3 2013


Third Year Course choices

This is now the time of year when Third Year pupils make their choices for Fourth Year. The process began in December 2012 when we asked Third Year pupils to give us an indication of the Choices they were likely to make. This enabled us to look at class demand and the staff we have available to teach Fourth Year courses. From that time we have been working with your son / daughter to help them to make informed choices for their Fourth Year.

To assist them they have had input from their class teachers on the courses on offer next year. House Heads are supporting your son / daughter in the decision making process.

The following timeline completes the picture of the process and deadlines for completion of Choices:

11 Dec 2012 S3 Trial Choices

14 Jan 2013 S3 Parent information evening

28 Jan 2013 Guidance lessons on choice and career paths

31 Jan 2013 S3 Reports to parents with Course recommendations

5 – 14 February S3 Course Choice interviews

18 Feb 2013 S3 Parent consultation

19 Feb 2013 Deadline for return of Choice of Course forms

March 2013 Confirmation of course letters to parents

11 June 2013 New timetable begins


Further information:

If you should require any further information, do not hesitate to contact the school.

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