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News for Modern Languages

Languages at Work

S4 Modern Languages event

On Friday 24 February Menzieshill High School held their annual Languages in Work event, where S4 pupils have the chance to experience first hand what it’s like to use another language in a work environment. This year the business language was German, and the pupils joined companies such as Spar, Volkswagen and Siemens.  After the initial nerves, they confidently carried out all the tasks required by their companies - booking hotel accommodation for a visiting businessman, arranging transport from Germany to Dundee, making a phone call to arrange to meet a visitor (and later meeting them at the right time and place!).  Pupils could also choose to attend an interview for a summer job in Germany.  The pupils found it challenging but good fun.   

Each year local businesses generously allow the school to benefit from their German and French employees, who take on the role of tourist officer, interviewer, or visitor  for the afternoon.  This year we had three guests: Ingo Hein from the Scottish Crop Research Institute, Clémence Tardy from Dundee College, and Marlies Cowan from Tullis-Russell.  We are very grateful to them all for giving up their time, for being so encouraging and understanding, and for providing such a positive experience for our pupils.

Job interview with Ingo Hein ( from left Callum Barr, Jamie Bell, )

Making a business call (Ross Starke)

Pupils with Ingo Hein and Clemence Tardy

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