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The Design and Technology Department

The aims in our department are for the pupils to be able to develop practical skills, techniques and safe working practices as well as developing skills to communicate graphically and relevant ICT skills. This will be done through studying and understanding of the devices and tools used in the design and manufacturing process. This will include the ability to select and use the design processes appropriately for different circumstances and to evaluate the effectiveness of design in creating artefacts.

Design and Technology in Menzieshill allows for a wide range of study options. The courses on offer will allow pupils to study and explore many different areas of technology that will have an impact on their life. The ever changing nature of technology makes this an exciting and challenging subject .


  • Mr J Waghorn PT
  • Miss N McCubbin




Craft and Design

Graphic Communication

Product Design

Woodworking Skills


CfE Design and Manufacture National Courses (SQA website)

CfE Engineering Science National Courses (SQA website)

CfE Graphic Communication National Courses (SQA website)