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Matthew Fitt and Sheena Wellington visit

Matthew Fitt brought Sheena Wellington, the new Scots Language Ambassador, along to MHS when he came to do a writing workshop with S2
Matthew Fitt and Sheena Wellington visit

Sheena Wellington and Matthew Fitt

For our second visit supported by Live Literature Scotland  Matthew Fitt came in to do a Scots Language workshop with a second year English class on 26th November. To our astonishment and delight Matthew also invited along Sheena Wellington who had only the previous day been announced as Dundee’s first Scots Language Ambassador. Sheena was not content to be merely audience but worked alongside the pupils as they explored what they knew about Scots vocabulary, had a go at translating Humpty Dumpty into Scots and discussed how they would represent Scots words in a visual dictionary. finishing by having a go at singing Scots versions of well known songs. Matthew’s session was as always interactive and engaging and we were delighted when our pupils were complimented on their Scots by both Matthew and Sheena.

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