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Rotary Youth Speaks Competition

Menzieshill take part in the Scottish Finals

A huge "well done" to the two teams who took part in the Scottish finals of the Rotary International Youth Speaks Competition in St Johns RC High School on Saturday.

The Intermediate team: Corben Bruce, Abby Lang and Ewan Sproul delivered a strong performance on Hate Crime and Young People in Scotland. Unfortunately they were beaten by St John Ogilvie from Hamilton.

The Senior team: Graeme McKenzie, Robson St Clair and Andrew Fry delivered a strong speech on Why David Cameron should have Boycotted the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka. Sadly they were beaten by a team from the High School of Glasgow - also speaking about the Commonwealth.

There is a debate taking place in Menzieshill High School on Thursday 6 - 9pm for the Procurator Fiscal's Trophy. Any pupils wishing to attend should give their names to Mrs Squair. Come along and support our teams! Mrs Squair