Cracker of a Christmas debate
For pictures from the debate, click here
A capacity crowd inside the LRC witnessed an exciting Christmas Debate intensely fought out by teachers and pupils. An 90 ticket sell out watched as Art teacher Mr Meijka and S4 prodigy Andrew Fry argued for the motion “This house would abolish Christmas” while History supremo Mr Macdonald and S1 Kianne Newton argued against.
The drama started early as Mr Meijka, after 8 minutes of speaking, finally succumbed to pressure from the audience and departed the stage. It took pressure from Chairman Chris Vannart and continuous ringing of the bell from timekeeper Abby Lang before he finally realised he was costing his side dearly. Mr Macdonald then stepped up and sprinkled Christmas cheer through the audience with a well-structured speech which included some Christmas rhymes. His speech rightly earned a rousing applause from the audience and he had appeared to have already won the audience over with just half the debate gone.
Then, the magic happened. Andrew Fry delivered a rather magical performance and remained strong even when put under pressure from a Point of Information. His efforts surprised all and had the audience talking about him after the debate. It was then left to Kianne Newton to round off the debate and she made a very good account of herself especially when performing in front of around 100 people.
After a quick discussion between judges Mrs Squair, Mrs McGeechan and Ross Starke, the win was unanimously given to the Opposition, and Christmas remained. The judges felt that although the quality of argument was in favour of team proposition, it was right to award the win to the opposition after the severe penalty given to Mr Meijka for running on too long.
The occasion was a good one enjoyed by all and the debate can be regarded as a success.
Mrs Squair later thanked all the pupils and staff for coming along, as well as Graeme McKenzie and Chelsea Cameron for catering, Matthew Turnbull for baking some shortbread, and most of all to our debaters for putting on a show. Money raised from tickets and refreshments has gone to the Go Africa group for their planned trip to Kenya in July 2013.
Ross Starke